Fez Friday, El Zaribah Shrine Temple
Greetings my Brothers!
This is Eric Morabito, “The Walking Man,” checking back in on Fez Friday.

El Zaribah Shrine Temple
On February 10, 1896, a group of Masons was issued a dispensation to form the nucleus of a new Shrine Temple. On June 24 of that year, a charter was issued to El Zaribah Shrine Temple in an area identified as the Arizona Territory. El Zaribah is said to be translated into “Hunter’s Paradise.” Soon after the charter was issued, a band and a patrol were formed to comply with Imperial Council’s requirement that every Temple was to have such units.
During the early years of El Zaribah, it is understood that most activities were held in a building known as the Berryhill Building, located near First Street and East Washington in Phoenix.
On February 22, 1921, the old El Zaribah Shrine Temple was dedicated. “Vic” Hanny was Potentate at that time. During the decade of the 70s, it became apparent that a new location for the Temple would need to be established. The state of Arizona wanted the site at 15th Avenue & Washington to be incorporated into the government mall.
The present site was located, and the ground was broken in October of 1988. On September 30, 1989, the Cornerstone Laying was held. The first regular stated meeting was held in the new building on December 13, 1989.

El Zaribah Nobles Riding Horseback in a Parade
Bro. Eric Morabito
“The Walking Man“
Junior Deacon, Adonai Lodge #718 in Highland, New York
Noble, Cyprus Shrine in Glenmont, New York