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Through Siddhartha’s journey, the pains, struggles, and conflicts of life are embedded in a larger desire for understanding and truth.
Being Mortal – Medicine and What Matters in the End
The drama of the human condition is fully encapsulated with the mystery of death and what lies beyond. Yet, how we approach the mystery itself is a question that requires a deeper and more intimate appraisal of our own mortality. And more deeply, our personal story leading to that point.
The Secret of Our Success – How Culture Is Driving Human Evolution, Domesticating Our Species, and Making Us Smarter
One might say that the idea of cultural evolution is an integral part of what makes Freemasonry a prime example of how group dynamics and traditions are passed down and modified accordingly to preserve wisdom and spiritual insights relevant for each generation of newly raised Brothers.
Masonic Ritual – When do we become Masons?
Masonic Ritual – When do we become Masons? Is it only after the whole Degree is performed?
The Evolution of God by Robert Wright
In Robert Wright’s book, “The Evolution of God”, are elements found in the Middle Chamber lecture. Among the topics explored, Wright argues that the evolution of God mirrors a growing moral compass as human beings explore, understand, and interact with more cultural groups.
Self Improvement in Freemasonry
What does it mean to improve one’s self in Freemasonry? How do the lessons in Masonic ritual aid in subduing our passions?
The Apron Presentation
We are told, in the first paragraph, that the Masonic apron, as a symbol, is “more ancient than the Golden Fleece or Roman Eagle”. To what do these references allude?
Brother, A Term Like No Other
What does it mean to be a Brother? Many who join our numbers do so because they want to be a part of something greater than themselves and long to find meaning in their life.
Masonic Ritual – Changeover or Close to another Degree?
Masonic Ritual – Can we open on the First Degree and use the Changeover to move to the Second Degree?
Masonic Ritual – Examinations in Open Lodge
Masonic Ritual – Do Entered Apprentices and Fellowcrafts have to be examined in open Lodge before they progress to the next Degree?
Lafayette Bicentennial – A Hero’s Homecoming Honored
Learn how Lafayette was recognized by New York Freemasons for his exemplary leadership and unwavering dedication to the principles of Freemasonry.
Masonic Ritual – Does “Brethren” Trigger the Sign of Fidelity?
Masonic Ritual – Is it correct that everyone should come to the Sign of Fidelity when the Master says “Brethren”?
Masons Must Preserve and Promote Our Past to Find Our Future
One of the reasons I am proud to be a Freemason is our fraternity’s great history. At St. Patrick’s Lodge 4, chartered in 1766 in Johnstown, New York, we meet inside a wonderful and storied building where we are preparing to celebrate the centenary of its cornerstone ceremony.
Masonic Ritual – Balloting or Examining on the Day of a Degree
Masonic Ritual – Is it okay to ballot on candidates or examine candidates on the day of the Degree?
1867 to Eternity: Hugh Barkley Bull and the Beginnings of Wallkill Lodge 627
Few men or Masons ever reach the inconceivable heights of profound distinction. For many, their records, merits, and achievements vanish into history. One such Mason, who was revered and remembered for a life of selfless service, but whose memory is all but lost, is Brother Hugh Barkley Bull.
Strengthening the Masonic Fraternity
The purpose of our Masonic Fraternity has always been “to make some good men, better.” Freemasonry encourages its members to improve themselves, and to establish strong links among each other. In addition, some of these better men have felt a call to improve their communities, making Freemasonry a valuable asset for society. However, this important aspect doesn’t seem to be well understood by some. In this article we examine this situation further.
Masonic Ritual – Our Ritual is in English
Masonic Ritual – Saluting the West? Are we allowed to salute the West at the Master’s direction when entering or retiring from a Lodge?
Masonic Ritual – Saluting the West?
Masonic Ritual – Saluting the West? Are we allowed to salute the West at the Master’s direction when entering or retiring from a Lodge?
Masonic Ritual – Advancing Through Masonic Degrees
How much time should a Brother spend on one Masonic Degree before taking the next, and how does he qualify for advancement?
The Pride of the Fraternity
Nearly 181 years ago, the Grand Lodge of the State of New York began the illustrious and monumental project of erecting a home for ailing Masons, their widows, and orphans. This dream finally became a reality a year later, on June 8, 1843, when 100 Masons signed a petition for the purpose of founding the asylum.
A Stinging Reminder of the Virtue of Industry
Cultures around the world and across eons have recognized the sacred nature of the honeybee. In Freemasonry, the Beehive represents the work of the Master Mason and the industry of our lodges, as it inculcates team work and dedication as means toward shared security and prosperity.
Friend to Friend Masonic Memorial
Discover the heartwarming story behind the Friend to Friend Masonic Memorial, a tribute to Masonic brotherhood and charitable giving. Learn how this unique monument came to be and its significance within Freemasonry.
Masonic Ritual – How to Wear the Apron
Masonic Ritual – How to Wear the Apron – Should the Apron be worn on the outside or the inside of the jacket?
Rites, Rituals, and the Universal Journey to Manhood
Ancient civilizations around the world had intricate rites of passage and initiations to propel their males from boyhood to adulthood. These emphasized transformation, mentorship, and the sacred. Freemasonry, a modern fraternity, with roots in the seventeenth century, echoes these ancient practices with its own initiation rituals.
Masonic Ritual – Meanings and Pronunciation
Masonic Ritual – Meanings and Pronunciations – What does this word mean and how am I supposed to say it?
An Apprentice’s Twenty-year Journey to the Sublime Degree
I am often asked what happened during the twenty years between my being made an Entered Apprentice and being raised a Master Mason. A more interesting story is why I joined and what brought me back. It was as simple as one brother reaching out to another.
Meeting on the Level
While attending lodge alongside such well-informed brethren, it is hard to resist placing them on a pedestal, but it is those two brothers at the apex of leadership in Freemasonry, M.W. Rubin and Ill. Samiec, who were the first to teach me this Masonic lesson. “We are all brothers just trying to do our parts,” as Grand Master Rubin phrased it.
Religion and Freemasonry: A Third Approach
While Masonry has a strong ritual identity that often is confused with the liturgical actions of a religion, the goals and purposes of Masonry’s rituals are very different from those of worship.
Masonic Ritual – The Junior Deacon’s Knocks
The Junior Deacon’s Knocks – When and how often should the Junior Deacon knock on the outer door?
Making a Mason “At Sight”
Making a Mason “At Sight”. What does it mean to make a mason “at sight”?
Freemasonry in Lebanon and Morocco: History, Culture, and Societal Influence
The history of Freemasonry in the Middle East is a complex one that is intricately entwined with the political, social, and cultural environments of the region, particularly Lebanon and Morocco, where there are challenges that could lead to the decline, or even extinction, of Masonry there.
Masonic Ritual – Brothers versus Brethren
What is the difference between “Brothers” versus “Brethren”? When and how should they be used?
Masonic Mnemonics
For millennia, mnemonics have been used by humanity to help cement in the mind information that may otherwise be difficult to retain. Yet, in today’s day and age, mnemonics are often overlooked as many turn to technology to assist and aid with memory. However advanced the profane world becomes outside the lodge, within the confines of the symbolic temple the art and science of memory will continue to be a treasured masonic tradition.
Metropolitan Grand Lodge of London
We go inside the Metropolitan Grand Lodge of London with our Traveling Man, RW Anthony Prizzia. If you’re into Masonic history and grandeur, Freemasons’ Hall at 60 Great Queen Street, London is one for the bucket list!
Freemasonry and the Irish Republican Army
On April 24, 1922, gunmen of the Irish Republican Army seized Freemasons’ Hall in Dublin, commencing a 38-day occupation of the headquarters of the Grand Lodge of Ireland.
And that was the good news.
After the First World War, a Nationalist movement gained momentum in Ireland, which had been domineered by England since the reign of King Henry II in the twelfth century. By the twentieth century, something had to give, and the Irish Nationalists succeeded in winning independence for almost the entire island, and the Republic of Ireland was born. As you know, the six counties of Northern Ireland remain part of the United Kingdom. That’s a whole other story, but please know the Grand Lodge of Ireland unifies our Craft across Ireland—both the Republic and Northern Ireland—to this day.
Masonic Ritual – Gavel Raps
Knocking Three Times – What is the symbolic significance of the three (or two or one) gavel raps given by the principal officers during the Rituals of Opening and Closing?
Masonic Ritual – Knocking Three Times Symbolic Significance
Knocking Three Times
What is the symbolic significance of knocking three times?
Masonic Ritual – Seeking Admittance
Knocking Three Times
Why do we knock three times on the inner or outer door when seeking admittance?
Beyond Ritual – Traveling with the Masters Word
Embark on a remarkable journey into the rich symbolism at the heart of Freemasonry. As we explore the cryptic depths of our beloved fraternity, we will discover the profound importance hidden within the question, “What induced you to become a Master Mason??” This query’s solution contains layers of symbolic meaning that guide us through hallowed passages in our time-honored traditions.
Masonic Ritual – When to give Sign of Fidelity
Masonic Ritual – When should the Sign of Fidelity be given?
Masonic Ritual – Conducting During Degrees
Other than conducting, why are we not allowed to touch candidates during Degrees?
The Masonic Hall: Getting to Know a Crucial Author
Dive into the enigmatic world of Manly P. Hall, prolific author, mystic, and founder of the Philosophical Research Society. Explore his influential ideas on symbolism, astrology, and hidden wisdom across cultures.
Masonic Ritual – Open Ritual Book
Can an open Ritual Book be used to provide cues when the Lodge is at Labor?
Masonic Ritual – Chamber of Reflection
The Chamber of Reflection is an idea that originated in French continental Masonry. As with many elements of French Masonry, this idea was borrowed by Albert Pike and described in his book “The Porch and the Middle Chamber: Book of the Lodge.”
Masonic Ritual – The Master’s Work
What is the Master’s Work? How should a Brother be acknowledged when performing part of the Ritual?
Masonic Ritual – Printed Text
What parts of the Ritual can be read from a printed text?
The 1784 St. John’s Day Sermon
Read the review of the four key points of the 1784 St. John’s Day Sermon, delivered by Rev. Uzal Ogden, on St. John the Evangelist Day 1784 in Morristown, New Jersey.
Masonic Ritual – Position of the Square & Compasses When Closing
When closing the Great Light In Masonry, is there a particular way we should arrange the Square and Compasses on the cover of the Holy Bible?
Masonic Ritual – Position of the Square & Compasses
How should the Square and Compasses be positioned on the Holy Bible when it is open?
Masonic Ritual – “Apron Change”
How should a Brother change his Apron when he is in a tiled Lodge at labor?
Masonic Revival and Unity
On October 21, some 150 Freemasons assembled at Masonic Hall in New York City for the first Metropolitan Region Table Lodge, a ritualized communal meal exemplary of Masonic tradition.
Masonic Ritual – “pillar officers”
Who are the “pillar officers” of a Lodge?
George Washington’s letters to the Jews of Newport
It is “to bigotry no sanction, to persecution no assistance” that is most remembered from these letters from George Washington, partially because it is communicated by both writers, but I think mostly because it powerfully summarizes what is at stake.
The Double-Headed Eagle: “The Great Work”
The Double-Headed Eagle is a symbol dating back to ancient cultures such as the Egyptians, Babylonians, etc. The oldest such motif ever discovered was found in Jiroft, Iran and dates back to 3000 B.C. The symbol is known to have esoteric and alchemical connotations.
Masonic Ritual – DDGM About To enter
The District Deputy Grand Master is always announced as “about to enter” for his official visits. Does this mean he seeks admittance on other occasions in his District?
Masonic Ritual – Sign of Fidelity
When does a Mason come to the Sign of Fidelity? How can you tell when you’re being directly addressed and are therefore required to come to the Sign of Fidelity?
Masonic Ritual – Three Great Lights
Why do some systems of Masonry place the Three Great Lights directly in front of the Master in the East, while others such as ours situate the Three Great Lights on a centrally located Altar?
MoMA, the Museum of Modern Art in New York is presenting international painter/filmmaker Ari Roussimoff’s 1991 Expressionist-Surreal-Horror-Art movie “Shadows In The City”. The film will run from October 5 to 11, 2023 at the museum, 11 West 53rd Street, New York, NY 10019.
Masonic Ritual – three principal officers
If all three principal officers are absent from a Communication, can a Past Master or some other designated member open the Lodge?
Masonic Ritual – Extinguished Altar Light
What should a Lodge do if one of the Altar lights goes out?
Secret History of New York Freemasonry
The Secret History of Freemasonry in New York State as told by the Brethren of Huguenot Masonic Lodge No. 46 in Westchester, New York.
Celebrating 100 Years – Freemasonry In Finland
On May 2, 1922, the Grand Lodge of New York, in the spirit of Fraternity, assisted in the founding of the Grand Lodge of Finland. On August 18, 1922, MW Tompkins and four other Masonic representatives from the Grand Lodge in the State of New York led the ritual in the Säätytalo at the first Masonic session of independent Finland where 27 Brothers received all three degrees on the same day.
Shriners 149th Imperial Session Held in Charlotte, NC
This year the 149th Imperial Session was held in Charlotte, North Carolina. Shriners from all over the world came together to do the annual work of Shriners International.
Hailing from the great State of New York! Congratulations Grand Monarch Victor Mann and Lady Angelique.
Masonic Ritual – Absence of The Chaplain
In the absence of the Chaplain, should the Master appoint a Chaplain pro tem or should he deliver the Chaplain’s lines himself?
Masonic Ritual – Meeting of the Deacons
Where should the Deacons meet when approaching the West to communicate the word/password to the Senior Warden as part of purging the Lodge?
The Standard Work and Lectures does not detail this with any specificity, but rather allows each Lodge to decide how and where the Deacons meet.
A Brotherhood of hearts
Freemasonry has the power and potential to uplift, inspire, and nourish the soul on its lifelong journey of self-discovery and spiritual evolution.
Masonic Ritual – What is the minimum number of officers required to open a Lodge?
What is the minimum number of officers required to open a Lodge?
This is an area in which the Masonic Law and the Masonic Ritual are in conflict, and when that happens the Law prevails.
Masonic Ritual – Does the Tiler need to be a Master Mason, even when the Lodge is opening on the First or Second Degree?
Does the Tiler need to be a Master Mason, even when the Lodge is opening on a lower degree?
Masonic Ritual – How many make a master Mason Lodge?
How many make a Master Mason Lodge?
Masonic Ritual – When should the Letter G be turned on?
Is the Senior Deacon the only Brother allowed to touch the Square and Compasses?
Masonic ritual – In what order should the altar candles be turned on and off?
Is the Senior Deacon the only Brother allowed to touch the Square and Compasses?
The Transformative Influence of Freemasonry
Freemasonry has the power and potential to uplift, inspire, and nourish the soul on its lifelong journey of self-discovery and spiritual evolution.
Masonic ritual – What does the Ritual tell us we should do to help improve society?
Considering all the bad behavior we observe in our daily lives, what does the Ritual tell us we should do to help improve society and the human lot?
Traveling Man – White House Plumbers
Our Traveling Man, RW Anthony Prizzia, is also an extra in the HBO hit series “White House Plumbers.”
Masonic ritual – Why do Brothers sometimes say that “the Ritual is for the Candidate”?
Why do Brothers sometimes say that “the Ritual is for the Candidate”? What about the Brethren?
I-Thou and the Promise of Masonry
In his 1923 book “I and Thou”, the philosopher Martin Buber outlined the two primary ways in which we relate to people and the world around us.
Masonic ritual – Are all present in possession of the secrets?
The Master asks if all present are Entered Apprentices or Fellowcrafts when the Lodge opens on the First or Second Degree respectively, so why does the Tiler have to be a Master Mason?
Fez Friday, Bermuda Peppercorn Ceremony
The Bermuda Peppercorn Annual Ceremony is a long-standing tradition that holds a special place in the history of Bermuda. The history of this ceremony dates back to 1816.
“Eclipse” is about individuals who search for light even under the most unfortunate circumstances. They take a unique journey within themselves, a journey that will eventually benefit all humankind.
Masonic ritual – Receiving The Candidate
What should the Senior Deacon use to receive the Candidate in the First Degree?
Masonic ritual – Is The Tiler Required?
Is the Tiler among the officers required to open a Lodge?
Masonic ritual – Attending at the Altar
Is the Senior Deacon the only Brother allowed to touch the Square and Compasses?
Masonic Ritual – The Master’s Carpet
The short answer is that the space between the Altar and the East should not be called the Master’s Carpet. The medium answer would direct your attention to the Glossary entry in the Ritual book.
Masonic ritual – Communicating the Password
Why do the Deacons come to the Sign of Fidelity before communicating the word/password to the Master?
My Brother
Saying we are Brothers is not enough; I want to know that if I were to pass away tomorrow, you would shed a tear and that I would do the same for you. The true goal is not the tears that fall for a lost Brother, but to form a strong bond of Brotherhood while we are still together.
Masonic Etiquette – Saluting the Altar
Why don’t candidates salute at the altar when re-entering for the Middle Chamber Lecture and Raising?
Masonic Ritual – Displaying the Great Light
What is the significance of opening the Great Light to a different page for each Degree? What Biblical pages should be used for alternative sacred scriptures?
The Lincoln Degree
Members of the Valley of Rockville Centre AASR NMJ performed “The Last Full Measure” aka the Lincoln Degree. The title is an important line in the Gettysburg Address.
Masonic Ritual – Escorting Masonic Dignitaries
Why are Masonic dignitaries and other Brothers escorted to the East along the north side of the Lodge?
St. Patrick, Freemasonry & The Revolutionary War
The connection between St. Patrick, the Revolution, and Freemasonry becomes clearer when considering the situation of the Continental Army at Morristown, NJ during the winter of 1779-1780.
Apron of the Rose
Each time I create a painted Masonic Apron, I intend for it to be a statement in more ways than one. This way the great Masonic history of aprons is being brought into the here and now and therefore also into the future.
Masonic ritual – Empty Warden Chair
If a Warden momentarily vacates his chair, should another member be directed to occupy that station in his absence?
My Grandfather’s Jewel
I have just found my grandfather’s Past Master jewel inside of a box. I can make out the “HGCW” monogram on the jewel.
Masonic Ritual – Deacons and Taking the Password
Why don’t the Deacons take the word or password from the Wardens, Treasurer, Secretary and any Grand Lodge officers seated in the East when purging the Lodge?
Masonic Ritual – Crossing the East During Labor
Why can’t we cross the space between the Altar and the East when the Lodge is at labor?
Observant Masonry comes to Northport, Long Island
Freemasonry is a centuries-old fraternal organization that is shrouded in mystery and misconceptions. What is it, exactly, that draws men to join this esteemed organization?
Masonic Ritual – On The Level
What is meant by “come down on the level”? Do Brothers seated in the sidelines have to come into the main working area of the Lodge to be “on the level”?
“Rebirth” is the title of this painting from 2008. It is the right side panel of my three-painting Masonic triptych titled “Parable of Light and Dark.”
The Benefits of Freemasonry
Freemasonry is a centuries-old fraternal organization that is shrouded in mystery and misconceptions. What is it, exactly, that draws men to join this esteemed organization?
Freemasonry in Puerto Rico
Bro. René Pérez Liciaga explores his Puerto Rican heritage and the history of Freemasonry in Puerto Rico.
Masonic Ritual – Forms and Ceremonies
Should the Senior Deacon look around to make sure everyone is on the Sign of Fidelity before attending at the Altar?
Start with WHY
In 2009, Simon Sinek’s bestseller, “Start with WHY” changed the basic principles of brand marketing. Starting with your why creates an opportunity to share your passion and form an authentic connection.
Brother Robert Burns
Robert Burns, celebrated Scottish poet, is considered a seminal figure in 18th century literature.
From Operative to Speculative
Operative Freemasons were skilled craftsmen who honed their abilities in building to provide shelter from the elements and to create works of art that conveyed a sense of unity and harmony.
Masonic Ritual – Master Mason Without
As described in our Ritual, the Lodge is tiled by a “Master Mason without.” Does this mean an EA or FC can sit in an officer’s chair?
Freemasonry As a Way Of Awakening
France’s Rémi Boyer has immersed himself for decades in studying philosophies and initiatory rites, among other things, and has authored a book for understanding Freemasonry.
Traveling Man – Christmas Magic
Our Traveling Man, RW Anthony Prizzia, shares a magical Christmas experience hosted by Brothers in Tampa, Florida.
History of Western Star Lodge #15
The history of Western Star Lodge #15 dates back to the early settlement Oneida County. The lodge first met in 1796, in a location that was known as Farwell’s Hill.
Top Five Esoteric Books for 2023
Bro. Rene Perez shares five esoteric books that Freemasons should read this year.
Freemasonry in New York State
No one knows exactly when the first Mason stepped foot on the shores of the new world, but Freemasonry was established in the British colonies of North America began sometime in the 1730s.
Holiday Drinks for 2022
In case you need a few suggestions for a wine/spirit to bring to an event, because you can’t show up empty handed here are a few suggestions.
Masonic Thanksgiving
While President Lincoln declared Thanksgiving a national holiday to be held on the last Thursday of the month of November, it may not surprise Masons to learn that Bro. George Washington was the first to issue a Presidential Proclamation in 1789.
St. Albans Lodge # 56 History Of Gatherings Named St. Albans
A Gathering was held recently marking the 69th Annual Gathering Of The International Masonic Lodges Named For St. Alban- Hosted by St. Albans Lodge # 6, F. & A. M. Bristol Road Island USA.
Diversity of Thought
MASONIC MENTORINGDiversity of Thought How Freemasonry encourages collaboration and the exchange of personal viewpointsFreemasonry is a social activity. I am a member of a Puerto...
Why Your Lodge Should Do A Joint Degree
While there are lodges who have members who can fill every degree role, some feature a bench so deep with alternates and backups – just in case.
Freemasonry Can Found Anywhere And In Everything
“Freemasonry can found anywhere, and in everything, you can find Freemasonry.” By applying the lessons in our degrees, we can apply that knowledge to our hobbies and interests to bring joy in our life.
Freemasonry’s Missing Rings: Thaddeus Kosciuszko
Thaddeus Kosciuszko possessed the two masonic principles that we are charged to embrace: Fidelity and Integrity. Yet, even with his close connection to known Freemasons, we cannot confirm his membership in The Craft.
Digital Marketing in Freemasonry
Ready to start building your digital presence? Here are the four fundamentals in digital marketing that improve your Lodge’s website.
Lemons to Haggis – A Hybrid Burns’ Night Supper
Learn how Joshua Lodge No. 890 had its hybrid Burns’ Night, complete with haggis, cranachan and virtual toasts!
The Great Secret of Masonic Education
The Great Secret of Masonic Education: Leave it Alone. Here are three key takeaways in teaching Masonic Education to new members.
Masonic Reading Groups
A Masonic reading group is the perfect way to stay connected with your Brothers during the summer months. Here’s a quick start guide!
Traveling Man – George Washington National Masonic Memorial
Bro. Michael Arce, a traveling man, shares his visit to the George Washington National Masonic Memorial in Alexandria, Virginia.
Traveling Man – Kismet Shriners Temple
RW Anthony Prizzia, the Traveling Man, shares his trip to the Kismet Shriners at the American Legion Hall – Post 1066 in Massapequa, New York.
Fez Friday, Khartum SHRINERS
The Shrine fez bearing the name Khartum, so familiar to many people in Manitoba and Northwestern Ontario today, was relatively unknown until 1905 when Khartum Temple was introduced, established, and chartered in Winnipeg, Manitoba, through the efforts of members of the Masonic Order, Scottish and York Rites and the Shrine of North America.
Fez Friday, Sphinx Shriners
Sphinx Shriners came into being because there was a need for a Shrine Temple in the rapidly growing Hartford area at the turn of the nineteenth century. Looking to the future, Sphinx Shrine is actively seeking new members who will continue to support Shriners Hospitals for Children® and build upon the many accomplishments of the past 120 years.
Fez Friday, El Zaribah Shrine Temple
On June 24, 1896, a charter was issued to El Zaribah Shrine Temple in an area identified as the Arizona Territory. El Zaribah is said to be translated into “Hunter’s Paradise.”
Fez Friday, India Temple
On July 25, 1894, a charter was issued establishing India Temple as the 65th temple to be organized. India’s rich and colorful heritage has touched and left its influence on two centuries as well as two cultures, territorial and state.
Bethany Lodge #821 Celebrating 125 Years of Freemasonry
Bethany Lodge #821 was organized under Dispensation on December 11, 1896. As a Lodge, we look forward to our next 125 years with renewed excitement!
Traveling Man – Metropolitan Opera House
RW Anthony Prizzia, the Traveling Man, shares his first trip to the Metropolitan Opera House in New York City.
A “Masonic” Wedding
March 5, 2022: The First “Masonic” Wedding in Jephtha Lodge, Huntington, NY
Fez Friday, Ararat Shrine
Ararat Shrine was chartered in 1888 by the Imperial Council of the Ancient Arabic Order of the Nobles of the Mystic Shrine, later to be renamed Shriners International. Ararat was the 38th Shrine Temple to be granted a charter.
Fez Friday, Isis Shrine
On March 19, 1887, 14 elected officers sent a petition to the Imperial Counsel for a dispensation for a Temple to be known as Isis Temple, and it was granted on March 29, 1887.
Fez Friday, Abdallah Shrine
The Abdallah Shrine was founded on March 28, 1887, and chartered on June 20 in Leavenworth, Kansas.
Solidarity with the Grand Lodge of Ukraine
The Grand Lodge of New York answering the call of the distressed in providing a source of much-needed help to those adversely affected by these unprovoked acts of violence and war.
Hiram’s Designs – Ideals and Virtues
Whenever he is in a Lodge, a Freemason of any standing cannot help but be conscious of the symbolism in the room.
Fez Friday, Kosair Shrine Temple
In 1923, the Kosair Shrine Temple formed Kosair Charities Committee, Inc. and purchased six acres of land on Eastern Parkway for a hospital where children could receive quality healthcare. Kosair Charities owned the hospital.
Fez Friday, Murat Temple
The Murat Temple was chartered on June 4, 1884, and was the 17th Shrine Temple. Right from the start, the Indianapolis Shrine was noteworthy. While we don’t know why the name was chosen, the name was the first not to have Arabic origin.
Fez Friday, Islam Temple
In the late 1800s, Aleppo Shrine was the largest Temple and usually remained in the top 5 largest temples until about the 1980s.
Hiram’s Apron with King Solomon
“Obligations”, Painted Masonic Apron painted by Bro. Ari Roussimoff. Read more on the story of this Masonic artwork.
Benjamin Franklin
January 17, 1706: Writer, scientist, inventor, statesman, diplomat, printer, publisher and political philosopher.
Benedict Arnold
January 14, 1740: American soldier, British soldier and traitor to the American Revolution.
Fez Friday, Aleppo Shrine
In the late 1800s, Aleppo Shrine was the largest Temple and usually remained in the top 5 largest temples until about the 1980s.
Tim Horton
January 12, 1930: Toronto Maple Leafs defenseman & co-founder of the Tim Hortons coffee restaurant.
Meanings of Masonic Symbols
There are many symbols associated with Freemasonry. In this post, we explore the meaning of George Washington, the All Seeing Eye and Lodge Officers.
Adolph Zukor
January 7, 1873: Hungarian-American Film producer & co-founder of Paramount Pictures.
Fez Friday Damascus Shrine
Whenever I travel, I make it a point to stop and visit Shrine Centers nearby. If open, I will introduce myself and usually receive a tour of the facility.
Fez Friday, Ziyara Shrine
The word “Ziyara” means “pilgrimage to holy place” but the members and Nobles of Ziyara Shrine, know that it means “The Friendly Temple.”
King Camp Gillette
January 5, 1855: Inventor of the Affordable, Disposable Safety Razor and Freemason from Boston, Massachusetts.
J. Stuart Blackton
January 5, 1875: Silent Era Filmmaker, the Father of American Animation and Masonic Brother.
Paul Revere
American silversmith, engraver, early American Patriot and Freemason.
Fez Friday, Syria Shrine, Pittsburgh
It was between the late 1880s and the early 1900s that the Syria Shrine enjoyed great membership growth and vigorous program activity.
Sad Tidings Mrs. Joanne Kessler
It is with a deeply troubled heart that we learned that our First Lady of New York Masonry, Mrs. Joanne Kessler, has been called to the Celestial Home above.
Fez Friday, Cyprus Shrine, Albany
Cyprus Temple #5 was formally organized on February 1, 1877, at New York National Guard, Ninth Brigade Headquarters in Albany, New York.
“Obligations”, Painted Masonic Apron painted by Bro. Ari Roussimoff. Read more on the story of this Masonic artwork.
The Frank M. Totton Essay Contest
The Masonic Youth Committee is now accepting essays for the 2021-2022 Frank M. Totton Essay Contest. Deadline is January 17th.
On This Date In Masonic History – Grand Lodge of Idaho Formed
On This Date In Masonic History is a feature of Craftsmen Online. To learn more about this day in history, click on the link!
On This Date In Masonic History – MW Prince Hall
On This Date In Masonic History is a feature of Craftsmen Online. To learn more about this day in history, click on the link!
Fez Friday, Mecca Shrine, New York
Mecca Shrine was founded by a group of Masons in NYC that wanted to also be part of a fraternity that stressed fun and fellowship.
Fez Friday, Melha Shrine of Springfield, MA
Melha Shrine of Springfield, MA. Melha #78 was chartered on June 14, 1898. There are a little over 900 members who are active in a wide variety of Clubs and Units within the Shrine. Melha supports the Shriners Hospitals located in Springfield and Boston. They recently relocated and the new Shrine Center is in Agawam, MA.
Fez Friday, Welcome
Next to Masonic Rings and Aprons, the Fez is one of the most identifiable accessories of a Freemason. We are proud to salute Shriners by highlighting member’s Fezzes and the story behind them.
Masonic Melody
This Knights Templar painted apron deals with the symbolic nature of the historic Templars as they exist as an inspiration within some areas of Freemasonry.
Chamber of Reflection
This Knights Templar painted apron deals with the symbolic nature of the historic Templars as they exist as an inspiration within some areas of Freemasonry.
Knights Templar Apron
This Knights Templar painted apron deals with the symbolic nature of the historic Templars as they exist as an inspiration within some areas of Freemasonry.
Masonic Charity
FAITH. HOPE. CHARITY.Charged With CharityCharity is the brightest jewel in the Masonic crownEditor's note: This article was originally published on The Midnight Freemasons blog...
Masonic Portrait of Brother General George Washington
George Washington is arguably the most famous Freemason. His portrait, painted by William Joseph Williams is a true Masonic treasure.
Traveling Men – Puerto Vallarta
A few years ago, I was invited to Puerto Vallarta, Mexico, by some close friends to scuba diving. This was one of my favorite Masonic memories, and it would never have happened if I did not travel and take the time to meet Brothers from far and wide.
Remembering September 11
Craftsmen Online remembers September 11, 2001 with the words of MW Carl J. Fitje, Past Grand Master, Grand Lodge of New York.
Traveling Men
As most Masons know we love to refer to ourselves as Traveling Men. But do you travel? Have you really taken advantage of how and what traveling means in our prestigious fraternity?
Brother Thomas W. Bradley
Brother Thomas W. Bradley’s life would forever change after becoming a Freemason. His life focus would shift from craftsmen, Civil War veteran, to an upright man and Mason.
The Working Tools of Entered Apprentice
Within each degree, the instruction on the Working Tools is one of the most beautifully written parts of Masonic ritual. We examine how an Entered Apprentice can literally divide their time with the use of the 24-inch gauge.
Early Establishments of Masonic Regulations
After Freemasonry emerged into public view in 1717, a treasure trove of Masonic manuscripts was discovered and made public. Bro. Jim Simpson reviews these Masonic texts and teachings.
The Annual Daniel D. Tompkins Graveside Dedication
The annual Tompkins’ Graveside Dedication has become a cherished tradition among the Masons, who take the opportunity to reflect upon the celebrated, yet tragic, life of Most Worshipful Brother Daniel D. Tompkins.
The 33 Degrees in Freemasonry
There are 33 degrees in Freemasonry. Our degrees began in France in the year 1725. The new class of scholarly men (Speculative Masons) had discovered written legends from the old Operative Masons.
Clandestine Masonry
Often, when we think of clandestine masons, the idea of someone wearing a masonic ring purchased at an estate sale, possessing an apron that is not their own, or claiming to know “our secrets.”
1945 Grand Lodge
In April 1945, as Most Worshipful Froessel was concluding his first year as Grand Master, he was confronted with a Grand Lodge dilemma – balancing his Masonic obligation by the laws of the land.
The Grand Lodge of Rhode Island
While the Grand Lodge of Rhode Island is a small Masonic Jurisdiction, we have a large and historic heritage with connections to our colonial Brethren.
The Last Moon Lodge in New York State
Warren Lodge #32 holds the historical relevance of being the “Last Moon Lodge in New York State.” RW Steven Adam Rubin shares this story and how Masons can support this special institution.
The Tree of Life
Many theologians look to The Tree of Life to unlock the mysteries of spiritual liberation. Bro. Rene Perez breaks down its meanings for Freemasons.
Oriental Shrine
RW Anthony Prizza shares the history and work of New York State’s most northern Shrine Temple – the Oriental Shrine.
Masonic Aprons, A Marriage of Art and Freemasonry
Masonic aprons, being professionally painted or created by amateur artists, have always been a part of folk art history from the late 1700’s up through the centuries.
Sight Through Symmetry
Throughout March, Bro. Erik LaMarca’s art is part of an exhibition on symmetry at Solas Studio in the Flatiron District.
The Ezra Ames Meritorious Service Award
Congratulations to RW Steven Adam Rubin for receiving the Ezra Ames Meritorious Service Award, the highest award of The Grand Chapter State of New York, Royal Arch Masons.
More Masonic Books You Should Read from our Grand Historian
Our Grand Historian shares (literally) thousands of books you should read. “Aside from Masonic books, there is a limitless resource of additional books, experiences, and insights available to the Seeker.”
Masonic Books You Should Read
Five books every Brother should read for a better understanding of the esoteric and hidden meanings behind the mystical principles within the Craft.
The Five Elements and Five Senses
“I found that there is a less known fifth element (Quintessence) that connects the other four elements and senses.”
Top 5 Best Wine/Bubbles For Valentine’s Day
Bottles of pure joy to share with your valentine this year! Great ideas that you can find at any liquor store.
A Message from the Grand Lecturer
My Brothers I have Stage 4 kidney failure. I am writing you today to see if any Brothers would enter the process of being matched for a potential kidney donation.
Top 5 Best Scotch Selections for the Perfect Holiday Gift
You need a gift that shows thought and class, something that doesn’t require you to know what size they wear, something you know they’ll actually use. You, my friend, need scotch.
It’s a Wonderful (Masonic) Life
There’s a reason why we love It’s a Wonderful Life: watching George Bailey’s story causes us to examine our own. Reflecting on the Masonic year has the same effect.
Conductor – A Very Important Person
Must we have a conductor in our rituals? Absolutely, no two ways about that. The experience of leading and guiding a candidate and Brother, is very enriching regardless of what degree it takes place.
Top 5 Best Bourbons for the Perfect Holiday Gift
Toast the Holidays with five bourbons that are easy to find and won’t break your budget. Enjoy responsibly!
Steps for Shriners Hospital
Meet Bro. Eric Morobito aka “The Walking Man.” Over the past 11 years, he has raised more than $60,000 for Shriners Hospitals, by walking.
The History of the Purple Heart
The Purple Heart has a connection to Brother George Washington and a connection to New York State and a Grand Lodge of New York property.
Remembering MW Robert R. Livingston
Most Worshipful Robert R. Livingston served as Grand Master of the Grand Lodge of Free and Accepted Masons in the State of New York. His influence on New York Masons is obvious, especially with the Chancellor Robert R. Livingston Masonic Library.
Opening and Closing of the Lodge Ritual
The functions of the Opening and Closing Ritual extends beyond stations and places. WB Galen Kabak details how this ceremony prepares Brothers to work together in harmony and balance.