Fez Friday, Melha Shrine of Springfield, MA

Fez Friday, Melha Shrine of Springfield, MA


Fez Friday, Melha Shrine

All Shriners are Masons

Greetings my Brothers!

This is Eric Morabito, “The Walking Man,” checking back in on Fez Friday. Over the past few years, I have started a collection of Shriner fezzes. I currently have fezzes from 43 different Shrine Centers and I am always looking for more. There are over 200 Shrine Centers worldwide and I try to visit as many as I can when I travel. To date, I have been to 65 Shrine Centers, 12 Shriner hospitals, and the Shriners International HQ in Tampa. When I retire, I plan is to donate my collection to the Cyprus Shrine Center.


Melha Shrine

Let’s begin this series with the Melha Shrine of Springfield, MA. Melha #78 was chartered on June 14, 1898. There are a little over 900 members who are active in a wide variety of Clubs and Units within the Shrine. Melha supports the Shriners Hospitals located in Springfield and Boston. They recently relocated and the new Shrine Center is in Agawam, MA.

Melha has had a special place with me since I did my first Walk. I contacted the Springfield Hospital before I set out and asked if I could get a tour of the facility when I arrived. They in turn contacted members of Melha to set this up. When I reached Springfield, after walking over 180 miles and camping out along the way, I was met by Nobles Frank Watson and Charlie Gervickas who escorted me the final half-mile (uphill, of course). When I reached the hospital I was greeted by applause from 25 members of Melha. They also had me as a guest of honor at the Shrine Circus which happened to be taking place that weekend. Since that time, members of Melha have greeted me each year when I arrive and they have shown me the true meaning of our Masonic Values of Friendship and Brotherly Love.

Bro. Eric Morabito “The Walking Man” Junior Deacon, Adonai Lodge #718 in Highland, New York Noble, Cyprus Shrine in Glenmont, New York
Eric Morabito
Fez Friday, Welcome

Fez Friday, Welcome


Fez Friday, Welcome!

All Shriners are Masons

Greetings my Brothers,

Allow me to introduce myself, my name is Eric Morabito and I am a member of Adonai Lodge #718 in Highland, NY. I was initiated in October of 2009 and was raised in January of 2010. My reason for joining our great fraternity was to become a Shriner. I had no idea the impact that being a member of our Brotherhood would have on me and am grateful that I made this important decision.

Since joining, I have held several positions in my Lodge and am currently the Junior Deacon. I am also the Assitant Chaplain for the Cyprus Shrine in Glenmont, NY. I have been asked to contribute pieces to The Craftsman Online about the Shriners. This honor came about because of the efforts I have made over the years to support the Shriners and the fundraising that I have conducted.

In 2007, I was showing signs of an impending heart attack and I decided that I would do something to prevent this from happening. I lost my dad when I was 4 years old and I didn’t want that to happen to my wife and kids. I started walking regularly and before long my health showed great improvement. I have been walking every day since March 15, 2009, and have logged over 35,000 miles so far. My Lodge Brothers dubbed me “The Walking Man” and I wear it with pride. In 2014, I decided to try to walk from my Lodge to the Cyprus Shrine and then the Shriners Hospital in Springfield, MA. This was supposed to be a one-and-done event but my walks have turned out to be an annual event.

I have completed eight walks over the past 11 years, three times to Springfield and five times to Boston. In total, my walks have covered 1,736 miles and have raised almost $68,000 for Shriner Hospitals. I have met many wonderful people along the way and have been taught the true value of our fraternity.

On top (no pun intended) of my passion to raise funds for children and families in need, I also enjoy collecting Shriner Fezzes. The Fez is the most recognizable symbol of the Shrine. The red hat with a black tassel and embroidered Shriner symbol and Shrine name is an item that I wear proudly as a Shriner. Over the years and thanks to my travels, I have collected several Fezzes as gifts from Brothers and Shriners. I’m looking forward to sharing my collection and the stories behind the Fezzes in the coming days!

I hope that you find the articles I submit to be informative and entertaining.

Bro. Eric Morabito “The Walking Man” Junior Deacon, Adonai Lodge #718 in Highland, New York Noble, Cyprus Shrine in Glenmont, New York
Eric Morabito