A Virtual Home for Masonic Scholars

Too often, too much of our Masonic experience is consumed by the mundane yet necessary work of attending to the business of our Lodges. And while the social and charitable aspects of our Craft are cherished parts of our tradition, they too can command an inordinate share of our time and efforts. But what of improving ourselves as men and Masons? There is an undeniable thirst in modern Freemasonry for the esoteric knowledge entrusted to the care of well-informed brethren.

For as long as the Craft has existed, brethren have gathered together outside of their regular communications to exchange Masonic ideas and insights. Yet for some brothers, whether due to distance or the many demands of modern life, this experience hasn’t been within reach.

Until now.

Thinkers wanted, apply within

We proudly present Craftsmen Online’s Reading Room, a Masonic Reading Group presented in a hybrid (online and in-person) format. These meetings focus on a reading selection from a Masonic book, discussed by a panel of Brothers during a secure Zoom Meeting. Our programs are free, open to all Masons in good standing, and those with an interest in the Ancient and Gentle Craft of Freemasonry. Additionally, all programs are recorded and available on our YouTube channel.


Reading Room

The Reading Room will open on Tuesday, April 30th, 2024, at 7 pm (ET). Our panel for the evening will be R∴W∴ Clifford T. Jacobs, Br. Jason W. Short, R∴W∴ Bill Edwards, and V∴W∴ Michael LaRocco. Our reading selection is from Manly P. Hall’s “Secret Teachings of All Ages.” We will be focusing on “Freemasonic Symbolism” (Pages 576-588).

Click on the link below to download your FREE copy of this material.



Masonic Mnemonics

Masonic Mnemonics

For millennia, mnemonics have been used by humanity to help cement in the mind information that may otherwise be difficult to retain. Yet, in today’s day and age, mnemonics are often overlooked as many turn to technology to assist and aid with memory. However advanced the profane world becomes outside the lodge, within the confines of the symbolic temple the art and science of memory will continue to be a treasured masonic tradition.

Metropolitan Grand Lodge of London

Metropolitan Grand Lodge of London

We go inside the Metropolitan Grand Lodge of London with our Traveling Man, RW Anthony Prizzia. If you’re into Masonic history and grandeur, Freemasons’ Hall at 60 Great Queen Street, London is one for the bucket list!

Freemasonry and the Irish Republican Army

Freemasonry and the Irish Republican Army

On April 24, 1922, gunmen of the Irish Republican Army seized Freemasons’ Hall in Dublin, commencing a 38-day occupation of the headquarters of the Grand Lodge of Ireland.

And that was the good news.

After the First World War, a Nationalist movement gained momentum in Ireland, which had been domineered by England since the reign of King Henry II in the twelfth century. By the twentieth century, something had to give, and the Irish Nationalists succeeded in winning independence for almost the entire island, and the Republic of Ireland was born. As you know, the six counties of Northern Ireland remain part of the United Kingdom. That’s a whole other story, but please know the Grand Lodge of Ireland unifies our Craft across Ireland—both the Republic and Northern Ireland—to this day.

Masonic Ritual – Gavel Raps

Masonic Ritual – Gavel Raps

Knocking Three Times – What is the symbolic significance of the three (or two or one) gavel raps given by the principal officers during the Rituals of Opening and Closing?

Beyond Ritual – Traveling with the Masters Word

Beyond Ritual – Traveling with the Masters Word

Embark on a remarkable journey into the rich symbolism at the heart of Freemasonry. As we explore the cryptic depths of our beloved fraternity, we will discover the profound importance hidden within the question, “What induced you to become a Master Mason??” This query’s solution contains layers of symbolic meaning that guide us through hallowed passages in our time-honored traditions.