by Bro. Ari Roussimoff
Image: “Eclipse”, by Bro. Ari Roussimoff
Written by Bro. Ari Roussimoff
Consolidated Lodge #31 F. & A.M.
Manhattan, New York
Image: “Eclipse”, by Bro. Ari Roussimoff
Written by Bro. Ari Roussimoff
Consolidated Lodge #31 F. & A.M.
Manhattan, New York
Written by Bro. Ari Roussimoff
Consolidated Lodge #31 F. & A.M.
Manhattan, New York
Hiram’s Apron with King Solomon
My very first painting to be devoted exclusively to a Masonic theme was titled Hiram’s Apron (now in a collection in Japan). It made its public debut at the Chancellor Robert. R. Livingston Masonic Library and Museum where it was prominently exhibited for several years. The metaphor of Hiram pointing towards his Apron against a background showing civilization in transition has been the subject of several of my paintings. In my view, the symbolic meanings behind the picture are a major component of Masonic philosophy and teachings. In a nutshell, people of all backgrounds, without ever abandoning their own individuality, have come together to mutually build a better world. It is all about life, obligations, responsibility, faith, love, brother and sisterhood, death and eventually the hereafter when everyone must face the consequences of how they chose to live their lives.
To emphasize both a humanity and universality of the person and the ideals, I change the physical appearance of Hiram in each of my representations of him. My second version of Hiram’s Apron was chosen to represent Freemasonry on an official government issued postage stamp for the country of Benin. Here now on Craftsmen Online, you are seeing the third version of the Hiram’s Apron theme where I have added the figure of King Solomon since his role was pivotal to everything that transpired. Incidentally, this particular painting of Hiram Abiff with King Solomon was featured in the 2013 retrospective three week exhibition of my artwork held in the French Doric Room of Masonic Hall of the Grand Lodge of New York on 23rd Street in Manhattan.
Researched and written by the Brothers of the Craftsmen Online Editorial Staff
Content is property of Craftsmen Online and cannot be used, copied, or quoted in any manner without the express, written permission of Craftsmen Online.
Obligations is the title of this, my most recently completed painted Masonic Apron. Colour plays an important factor here. I wanted a colour scheme that appears magical and also mystical in order to compliment the symbolic elements of the composition. This work can be described as a statement about human beings, devotion and spirituality. As the Moon ascends, the Sun descends. Yet both are sources of light and both offer illumination. To those who might be interested, please note that since this painted Apron is new and has not yet been put on the market, it is available for purchase. It is the only Roussimoff apron now available.
Researched and written by the Brothers of the Craftsmen Online Editorial Staff
Content is property of Craftsmen Online and cannot be used, copied, or quoted in any manner without the express, written permission of Craftsmen Online.
This work was painted in 2006. In the year 2013, the Grand Lodge of New York sponsored a large exhibition of my paintings at Masonic Hall that consisted of both my Masonic and other subjects. This painting was among the featured artworks. At the time, many brothers asked me if it represented the Royal Order of Jesters. Although it does not, I welcome anyone to interpret it’s meanings in whichever way they perceive them. Symbolism is sometimes similar to beauty in that what one sees is usually in the eye of the beholder.
Music is an essential element here. Freemasonry in my view is musical. It is akin to a vast symphonic composition with limitless numbers of beautiful musical notes. The Medieval Court Jester is a person with many sides to him, yet he is fully aware of his purposes in life. The figure of justice may be blind, but she is also voluptuous, as the truths she bears are meant to attract. On the top right is a symbolic Masonic Lodge. Being out in the open and under the big sky, this Lodge represents the universality of the Craft. There are many degrees and rites with people of all sizes and nations who have joined together. In this section I also rendered the likenesses of two famous historic brothers. The dwarf is Charles S. Stratton, protégée of P. T. Barnum and who is better known as the legendary General Tom Thumb. Beside him is the giant John Aasen who was with the Ringling Brothers Circus and appeared in many Hollywood films.
On the bottom left corner is Hiram Abiff with an Acacia twig above him. Among the various other symbolic elements, you also see three heads appearing on the Jester’s sleeve. These same three heads reappear inside the right eye socket of the skull, just as musical notes consistently reappear in one big musical composition.
Written by Bro. Ari Roussimoff
Consolidated Lodge #31 F. & A.M.
Manhattan, New York