Shriners 149th Imperial Session Held in Charlotte, NC

During the day we received reports on the status of our beloved Fraternity. We also engaged in votes that affect each member including an increase on per capita. The evenings were filled with a Shrine parade (no one does a parade better than Shriners), hospitality rooms, a concert and, most of all, fun.
As Potentate of Tigris Shriners, it is my responsibility to find a restaurant to take all the members that came to the Imperial Session. This year we went to Chima Steakhouse where our table was provided with a wide assortment of meats to try. We enjoyed great food, fellowship and laughter.
Along with Tigris Shriners and their Ladies, we were honored to have Most Worshipful Richard J. Kessler, Grand Master of Masons in the State of New York, join us.
Congratulations are in order to the various Shrine Temples in the New York/Ontario Shrine Association. They have seen growth in their membership during the first half of the year for the first time in many years. Shriners International has also seen membership growth in the first half of this year. This has not happened since 1978!
Old friends and new friends, all part of one Shrine Family, come together like this every year. All of our differences regarding how the fraternity should proceed were immediately swept aside when our main reasons for traveling to Charlotte came up to the stage. Gianna and Juan were named the 2023/2024 International Patient Ambassadors. They shared their stories and the message of “No Boundaries”.
We all share the love for our Philanthropy and the Children we care for. That is reason enough to visit BeAShrinerNow.com and join the Shrine Experience.
Written by:
Duane Crapser
Potentate Tigris Shriners 2000, 2021 and 2023