The Transformative Influence of Freemasonry

The Transformative Influence of Freemasonry


The Transformative Influence of Freemasonry

Freemasonry has been a guiding force in my life, instilling the values and principles that have shaped my character and perspective. It has provided a framework for personal growth and the soul’s development, encouraging us to continually seek knowledge, cultivate virtue, and strive for excellence. It has equipped me with a compass, guiding me through the trials and tribulations of existence. Through its teachings and rituals, Freemasonry has shaped my character to become a better son, a better brother, a better friend, and a better member of the community. Freemasonry also fosters a sense of unity and brotherhood that transcends boundaries of race, religion, and nationality. It allows us to see past the body and look deep into the soul. It has surrounded me with like-minded individuals who have become my extended family, always offering support, wisdom, and unwavering camaraderie. Through Freemasonry, I have discovered a profound sense of purpose and a deeper connection to the world around me. Its allegorical teachings, symbolic rituals, and profound ceremonies invite us to contemplate the mysteries of existence and our place in the universe. By engaging in these rituals, embodying these virtues, and embracing these principles, one can cultivate a deeper understanding of oneself, strengthening their connection with the Divine. It provides tools, teachings, and practices that assist individuals in their quest for self-discovery, moral growth, and spiritual enlightenment. It encourages us to explore the depths of our being, utilizing our time wisely as it is our most precious commodity. Time is a gift bestowed upon us, and we are responsible for making the most of every moment in our daily lives. Freemasonry has taught me that true fulfillment comes not from material possessions or worldly achievements but from the impact we make on the lives of others. It has taught me to serve God, my fellow brethren, and society at large. By practicing charity, compassion, and brotherly love, we contribute to the betterment of humanity and leave a lasting legacy that transcends our mortal existence. In a fast-paced world filled with distractions and demands, Freemasonry reminds us to pause, reflect, and reconnect with our inner selves and our divine creator. It calls upon us to lead with integrity, to listen with empathy, and to act with kindness. Freemasonry teaches us to respect the rights and opinions of others, to work toward the betterment of humanity, and to strive for a society built upon justice, tolerance, and equality. It encourages us to actively participate in our religious institutions and communities, seeking opportunities to serve and uplift those in need. And It is through these daily acts of mindful living that we improve ourselves and inspire others to follow a similar path of enlightenment and personal growth.

Freemasonry has the power and potential to uplift, inspire, and nourish the soul on its lifelong journey of self-discovery and spiritual evolution.

To my Brethren, let us remember the immense influence and responsibility we hold in the Lodge and the lives we touch. Let us use our time wisely, investing it in meaningful pursuits that honor the principles of our Craft. Let us continue to support and uplift one another, creating an environment that nurtures personal and collective growth. May we all continue to embrace the teachings of Freemasonry, living our lives as beacons of light and pillars of virtue. Together, let us positively impact the world around us, inspiring others to seek enlightenment, embrace Brotherly Love, and strive for a better tomorrow.
Written by: WB Brian Budhram Harmony Lodge No. 241, Queens, New York Worshipful Brian Budhram is serving his second year as Worshipful Master at Harmony Lodge no. 241, one of the premier lodges of the esteemed Queens District, NY. Additionally, he has served three years as President of the John C. Ross School of Instruction, and a second year as an Associate AGL; he sits as Chairman of the Queens Master’s and Wardens Committee (a proud committee of the Queens Masonic Association). He is a lover of ritual, education, and Lodge leadership. Brothers enjoy his fellowship at many of the district social events as well as charitable endeavors such as the Queens District Blood Drives, which occur quarterly.
Traveling Man – White House Plumbers

Traveling Man – White House Plumbers


Traveling Man – White House Plumbers

Traveling back in time on the new hit HBO limited series

Editors note: For the last two years, I have been patiently waiting for the release of HBO’s series “The White House Plumbers.” As RW Anthony Prizzia will detail in his blog article, this limited series features a blend of history and comedy in the satirical political drama of the June 1972 break-in of the Democratic National Committee headquarters at the Watergate Hotel in Washington, DC. I was excited as a fan of US History to see this story, but also, when I received a phone call from Bro. Prizza that his beloved 1966 Lincoln was selected as one of the historic cars for the show. As the weeks and months passed, Bro. Prizzia shared more info on the show as some of the production was being done in Albany, New York. The five-part series is now available on HBO. For more information on the show, click here

Image: RW Anthony Prizzia on the set of “White House Plumbers”

Hello again, my Brothers and friends; it has been a while since I shared a traveling story in the wild world of Freemasonry. I will use my time machine to travel back to the early 1970s. I am being a little cheeky here because I did not use an actual time machine, but my classic 1966 Lincoln convertible and some Hollywood magic. During the COVID-19 pandemic, I answered a request for classic car drivers in an HBO limited series. Little did I know that the stars would be Woody Harrelson, Justin Theroux, Lena Headey, Judy Greer, Kathleen Turner, and many more world-class actors in a series on the Watergate scandal!
At first, I totally thought it was a scam. Two months passed, and still no call from the production company, but just as I felt like I had sent my email and personal info to a scammer, the phone rang. It was a woman named Sam asking me a bunch of questions. They loved my 1966 Lincoln convertible, but she wanted to know if I could grow hair, LOL. I said yes, I can, I just choose not to, to which she said I must stop cutting my hair and let it grow out. As my hair is growing out, I still feel like I am being pranked, and this will never really be anything. Two more months go by, and I get text messages about my availability as I still work my day job importing wine. Most of the shoots were overnight, so it worked out perfectly. And after many COVID tests and wardrobe fittings, I find myself on set making this amazing HBO show, feeling like a kid in a candy store. Everyone on set was so nice and welcoming. It was like being in a whirlwind of family and a touch of dysfunction. We would do take after take until it was perfect. Many nights I just parked my car on set and went to sleep, but there were a few times when they needed more people in the shot, and I was already in my best 1970 outfit and happy to jump in front of the camera.

Image: Bro. Prizzia’s classic 1966 Lincoln on the set of “The White House Plumbers” (location shoot, Albany, NY)

Image: Bro. Prizzia as an extra during the Country Club scene. (“The Beverly Hills Burglary”, Episode 1).

Image: Bro. Prizzia as an extra on the set of White House Plumbers.

So about now, you are asking yourself, what does this have to do with Freemasonry? Well, as I have said before, if there are a few Masons around in close proximity, we usually find each other like Cheerios in milk. I kept hearing people asking for Anthony, and I was like, “Do you mean me?” LOL, they did not! But I soon found out who the other Anthony on set was. Lo and behold, he spotted my ring and introduced himself as a fellow Brother. From that point on, I was treated even better on set, and when it came to the camera angle, I started to get into more shots. Bro. Anthony helped me learn who the people that ran the set were, and who I needed to be close with if I wanted to be called back to get more time on the show. I quickly introduced myself to all the important people on set and brought them some of their favorite wines. Within a few weeks, I was asked to join the Screen Actors Guild (SAG)! I was so excited to become a real paid background actor; it was a dream come true.
The best part was that after I made a good impression, I got my daughter on set for two days, and she made it in one shot during the show. This was the most amazing part, and most of this good fortune would have happened if I did respond to the production company’s social media ad and had the good fortune of a fellow Brother helping me along the way. (Image: Bro. Prizzia’s daughter leaving home for her first day on set) So, get out there, my brothers, shed that guiding light and meet your extended family all over the world. You never know when one little ring on your finger or a pin on your jacket will take you down a road you never dreamed about traveling.
RW Anthony Prizzia Past Master of Adonai Lodge #718, Highland, New York Bro. Prizzia is also a proud member of: Cyprus Shrine, Oriental Shrine, and Ulster County Shrine Club Valley of Albany A.A.S.R Poughkeepsie Chapter 172 Poughkeepsie Commandery 43 Royal Order of Scotland
I-Thou and the Promise of Masonry

I-Thou and the Promise of Masonry


I-Thou and the Promise of Masonry

Invoking Deity in Masonic Ritual

It has previously appeared on Craftsmen Online that the Opening Ritual consists of three primary functions: Purging the Lodge, Aligning the Officers and Invoking Deity, and that the last of those three is the most important. It is my intent with this piece to not only heartily support the sentiment that the Invocation of Deity is the most important core function of the Opening Ritual, but to also briefly make the case that the Opening Prayer, as written in the ritual, reveals the keystone upon which our great Fraternity lays its lofty promise.
HCGW - PM Jewel

Martin Buber: February 8, 1878 – June 13, 1965

In his 1923 book “I and Thou”, the philosopher Martin Buber outlined the two primary ways in which we relate to people and the world around us. The first is the impersonal way that a person (the subject or “I”) interacts with the people or things around them (the object or “It”) as objects to be used. This type of relationship is referred to by Buber as “I-It” and it focuses on how an object can be used to benefit the subject. For example, a car is an “It” and its purpose is to enable the subject, the “I”, to get from one place to the other. Likewise, a soccer ball is also an “It” that is used as a piece of sporting equipment by the “I”. Conversely, there is the personal way that a person (the subject or “I”) interacts with the people or things around them, in which these people or things are unique and valued (the object or “Thou” or “You”). This is referred to by Buber as the “I-Thou” or “I-You” relationship. It acknowledges that the other subject in the relationship is to be interacted with rather than to be used. In this relationship, when the “I” interacts with the “You” in a mutually beneficial and respectful way, we allow for a blurring or dissolution of the boundaries between us, and, for that moment, essentially exist as that relationship rather than two individual “I’s”.
To Buber, the word “Thou” refers specifically to God. It can then be proposed, for our Masonic purposes, that we have “I-You” relationships with each other, but rely upon a mutual “I-Thou” relationship with God to set the Plumb, Square, and Level for our meetings. Thus the last action taken before the greatest Light in Masonry shines is the Chaplain’s prayer: “Thou hast promised that where two or three are gathered together in Thy name, Thou wilt be in their midst and bless them.”
This is an example of an “I-Thou” relationship between individuals (two or three people) and the divine (God), where there is a mutual recognition and respect for each other’s unique individuality. The promise in this sentence suggests that when people come together in the name of God, they are engaging in a relationship that is characterized by openness, vulnerability and empathy. It implies that there is a deep connection between individuals and the divine, and that this connection is strengthened when people come together in community (or “dwell together in unity”, if you will). This explains the great significance to the first question asked of a potential candidate before his acceptance into the Fraternity. Before he may be considered eligible to receive Masonic degrees, the candidate must first profess a belief in the existence of one ever-living and true God. Without that essential belief, we would be unable to form that relationship necessary for our work. When two or three of us invoke Him and perform our work in His holy name, we unite the brethren and activate the strength in our diversity. Furthermore, as we practice collectively in good faith and intention inside of our meetings, the better we are able to carry this strength with us when abroad in the world.
Written by: WB Ryan Toner Chaplain, Oriental-Faxton Lodge #224, Utica, NY Worshipful Ryan Toner is a Past Master and the current Chaplain of Oriental-Faxton Lodge No. 224, Oneida District, Utica, NY. He is also a 32° Scottish Rite Mason, Valley of Utica.
Fez Friday, Bermuda Peppercorn Ceremony

Fez Friday, Bermuda Peppercorn Ceremony


Fez Friday,

Mecca Shriners Bermuda Shrine Club

Bermuda Peppercorn Annual Ceremony

The Bermuda Peppercorn Annual Ceremony is a long-standing tradition that holds a special place in the history of Bermuda. Every year, on the first day of the new legislative session, the Governor of Bermuda grants a peppercorn rent to the Master of the Lodge in recognition of the custom that started in 1816. This celebration is a ceremony that attracts many participants, including members of the Bermuda Shrine Club.
Bermuda is an island in the North Atlantic Ocean with a distinct blend of British, American and West Indian cultures and traditions. The Bermuda Peppercorn Annual Ceremony is a symbol of the strong ties between the successive Governors of Bermuda and the Masters of the Lodge. The history of this ceremony dates back to 1816 when the then Governor of Bermuda, Sir William Smith, granted the Master of the Lodge, Reverend William Jones, use of the State House for a yearly rent of one peppercorn. Today, the Master of the Lodge continues to lease the State House for the token rent of one peppercorn.
Peppercorn Grant 1816

2014 Bermuda Peppercorn Ceremony

One Peppercorn Token
The ceremony is performed in April on the first day of the new legislative session where the Master of the Lodge would traditionally hand over a single peppercorn to the Governor of Bermuda as a symbolic rent payment. This custom continues every year and the ceremony includes a formal parade by Freemasons from various Lodges under the jurisdiction of the United Grand Lodge of England as well as the Bermuda Shrine Club.
The Bermuda Shrine Club members, all of whom are also Freemasons, play an active role in the Bermuda Peppercorn Annual Ceremony by organizing and participating in the parade. The Bermuda Shrine Club is an organization dedicated to serving children and supporting their families, whether they are sick, injured and in need of assistance. Shriners International is a philanthropic organization that is focused on helping children around the world through Shriners Children’s. Members of the Bermuda Shrine Club volunteer their time and resources to raise funds and provide support for the Shriners Hospital for Children in Montreal and the Massachusetts General Hospital for Children.

During the event, members of the Bermuda Shrine Club participate as parade marshals, providing assistance with crowd control and logistics. They also participate in the ceremony by carrying the ceremonial sword and providing a guard of honor. The Bermuda Shrine Club’s involvement in the event emphasizes its commitment to supporting and preserving Bermuda’s cultural heritage.

The Bermuda Peppercorn Annual Ceremony and the Bermuda Shrine Club share a common goal of helping children in need. On one hand, this ceremony demonstrates the importance of tradition, history and the preservation of heritage. On the other hand, the Bermuda Shrine Club’s focus on helping children looks towards the future. The Peppercorn Annual Ceremony reinforces the importance of historical and cultural preservation while the charity work done by the Shrine Club reinforces the values of care and compassion for others.

In conclusion, the Bermuda Peppercorn Annual Ceremony planners and the Bermuda Shrine Club are two organizations that share a deep sense of history and community service. Both organizations are a testament to the values held dear by the Bermudian people and serve as a source of inspiration for future generations.

For more information on the Bermuda Peppercorn Annual Ceremony and upcoming events, visit the Lodge St. George No. 200 G.R.S. or the Mecca Shriners.

P.P Ill. Sir Dominic Falcone
Mecca Shriners 2013
Eric Morabito





by Bro. Ari Roussimoff

Painted Knights Templar Apron
This painting is titled “Eclipse” and hails from 2008. It is the middle piece of my three-painting Masonic triptych “Parable of Light and Dark”. On the left side is “Foundations” and on the Right is “Rebirth”. All three together tell one evolving and comprehensive story. In “Foundations” we see the growth of Freemasonry through time. From its legendary beginnings the composition proceeds upwards to the Medieval era with its chivalry and cathedrals.

Image: “Eclipse”, by Bro. Ari Roussimoff

At the top are prominent Masonic figures of literature, music and philosophy; Mozart, Pushkin, Mark Twain, Oscar Wilde, Voltaire. The middle painting in this group is “Eclipse” (described below). The last painting is “Rebirth” where the ruins are left behind and building finally resumes without interruption. Hiram Abiff and King Solomon appear in all three paintings. The entire triptych “Parable of Light and Dark” was prominently exhibited for eight years at the Chancellor Robert R. Livingston Masonic Library & Museum of the Grand Lodge of Free & Accepted Masons of New York.
Please note that I seldom explain any symbolic meanings in my work. But in the case of this painting I find it helpful to viewers. Eclipse is about individuals who search for light even under the most unfortunate circumstances. They take a unique journey within themselves, a journey that will eventually benefit all humankind.
Overseeing all is the All Seeing Eye of God, Creator of the universe who is the final and ultimate judge of everyone and everything. Troubles lurk below. Time may be running out. Attempts at escape can be futile. Destruction, deformity and death are a result of mindlessness, immorality and idolatry. There are tears and mourning amidst chaos and pandemonium as the earth in revenge, swallows up its inhabitants. But some never learn. Mobs of hysterical fanatics follow false Idols in the form of sweet talking demagogues who enrich themselves by promising empathy, reward, power and glory. The obliteration of history, beauty, compassion and righteousness becomes the result. Whatever is beautiful and constructive they destroy.
Yet amidst the mayhem is Melchizedek from the Book of Genesis. He has two sets of eyes. One pair belongs to the heart and soul. The other pair belongs to the mind. All four together constitute spirituality and wisdom. Melchizedek is of the centuries. He blesses the righteous. Facing in the direction of the light is the Master of a lodge. Beside him are men and women who convey hope, love, beauty, spirituality, art and philosophy. The tattooed man is prepared to do labour. A group of newly made Brothers envision a brighter future ahead while a sympathetic Jester accompanies their vision by playing a warm Masonic melody on his violin. Standing in the light and beside the altar with the Holy Bible on it are King Solomon and Hiram Abiff.

Written by Bro. Ari Roussimoff
Consolidated Lodge #31 F. & A.M.
Manhattan, New York

Bro Ari Roussimoff