Strengthening the Masonic Fraternity

Strengthening the Masonic Fraternity


Strengthening the Masonic Fraternity


The purpose of our Masonic Fraternity has always been “to make some good men, better.” Freemasonry encourages its members to improve themselves and to establish strong links among each other. In addition, some of these better men have felt a call to improve their communities, making Freemasonry a valuable asset for society. However, this important aspect doesn’t seem to be well understood by some. In this article we examine this situation further.

Let’s consider three fundamental factors: (1) the state of our contemporary society, (2) the nature of our Institution, and (3) the different types of Freemasons.

First, contemporary society has ceased to be as gregarious as it used to be. Computers, cell phones, and other such media devices foster individuality. As a result, most organizations, professional societies, churches, unions and clubs, have seen their membership decline.

The second factor is the nature of our Institution. Organizations acquire an unwritten contract with its members, to make good use of their time and resources. After we raise a Brother, do we provide further masonic education, substantial fellowship events, or further involvement in community work? Attending Lodge to discuss budget issues does not raise much interest. Providing lectures or training on useful topics (e.g., internet, computers, software) will help Brethren succeed in the profane world.

The third factor is the type of member, as not everyone is the same, likes the same things, or has joined our Craft for the same reasons. For example, some join in search of fellowship; and find it in our meetings and social activities. Others join to acquire esoteric experiences, and they find it in our Observant and Research Lodges. Still others, join to improve themselves -and some of these, may also want to help improve society at large.

One way to increase our visibility is by developing community projects. Grand Lodge has several national projects such as the Masonic Medical Research Lab. But Freemasonry, like politics, is Local. Our community needs to know what we are doing for them: developing a food pantry; providing Thanksgiving and Christmas meals; Breakfast with Santa; Easter egg-hunts; a career day for high school kids; building ramps for the disabled, etc. These few examples of projects give the Craft more visibility in our communities. They do not cost much, but require work, which can also help increase Lodge fellowship and participation.

We can also open our Lodges for selected activities, inviting friends and neighbors to participate and see what we do. It is sometimes difficult to explain that we are not a secret, but a discrete organization. A better way is by having people visit our Lodges.

Lodges can organize public activities, such as documentaries about travel, especially during our long winters. Lodges can develop presentations about identifying drug problems, or potential health issues, and about ways to resolve community problems. We have Brothers with many backgrounds, that allow them to address these issues.

Most Lodges have a multipurpose room, where social events can be prepared, using a projector, computer, sound system, etc. A District-wide lists of lecturers can be established to find speakers. Offer coffee and donuts. Some topics may have been already presented elsewhere. But our neighbors may prefer to hear a speaker they know, and can relate to.

After the presentations, invite the audience to visit the Lodge room, and have a Brother answer questions. Advertise events in the local newspaper and radio stations. Join forces with other local organizations: Rotary, Lyons, VFW, the library, etc. and with other local Lodges.

Finally, work with DeMolay, Rainbow Girls and other youth groups. Provide them with interesting activities such as camping, canoeing, bowling, as well as training in practical things (computers, exam reviews, etc.). They will grow up and eventually join …
Such things help members develop an increased and stronger Lodge involvement. People usually respond positively to groups activities. Project work creates stronger fellowship bonds.

The Craft will attain higher visibility in our own communities. Friends and neighbors will have a different outlook of who we are, and what we do. Community work may become the best promotion of our Craft, and an efficient recruiting tool. For, some of these neighbors and friends, participating in our activities, may want to know more about us, and eventually join the Craft.

Planning, preparing and carrying out of such activities and projects will take extra time and energy, from our Lodge members. But such activities will also contribute to retain them. Some other Masonic writers have proposed radical changes to our Craft, that reminds me of the saying “you are throwing away the baby with the bath water”. Maybe, losing members will help us think through all these issues, and come up with efficient answers.

Written by Bro. Jorge Luis Romeu. WB Romeu is Past Master of Liverpool Syracuse Lodge #501, dual member of the Grand Lodge of Puerto Rico, and a 32nd Degree Scottish Rite mason. He is Membership Chair of the Onondaga District and a member of the GLONY Retention Training Program.

Masonic Ritual – Our Ritual is in English

Masonic Ritual – Our Ritual is in English


Our Ritual is in English



Our Ritual is in English) What is the correct pronunciation of the various names and places in the Ritual? Should I say them in Hebrew?

In the Grand Lodge of New York,

The language of our Standard Work and Lectures in the Grand Lodge of New York is English and, except where a Lodge has a special dispensation to work and conduct business in any other language, the English pronunciations are to be used. These are not mispronunciations. English has since its infancy incorporated words from as many as three hundred fifty other languages, borrowing to such an extent that these contributions account for as much as eighty percent of the English language. Once a borrowed word enters the vernacular it becomes part of the English language, and it is common for its pronunciation to diverge from that of the origin language over time. If origin language pronunciation were used for every such word, our Ritual would be incomprehensible.

The answers provided here reflect GLNY customs, rules, and ritual. We welcome discussion about how these may differ in your jurisdiction.

Response provided by RW Samuel Lloyd Kinsey
Chairman, Custodians of the Work, Grand Lodge of New York

Note: This site is an excellent source of information about Freemasonry. While every effort has been made to provide accurate and up-to-date information about Masonic Ritual, please remember that a website is not a substitute for your jurisdiction’s Standard Work or Approved Ritual.
Samuel Lloyd Kinsey
Masonic Ritual – Saluting the West?

Masonic Ritual – Saluting the West?


Saluting the West?



Saluting the West? Are we allowed to salute the West at the Master’s direction when entering or retiring from a Lodge?

In the Grand Lodge of New York,

Masters direct that entering and retiring Brothers to salute the Senior Warden during moments when saluting the East would unduly interrupt or disturb the business of a Communication such as a talk or presentation.

The Ritual is unambiguous in specifying that the salutation is given to the Worshipful Master, and this practice should prevail in all but the narrowest of circumstances. However, in the Grand Lodge of New York the Worshipful Master has virtually unlimited discretion in delegating portions of the Master’s Work—discretion that is routinely exercised with respect to the Working Tools, Apron Presentation, Lectures of Forms and Ceremonies, Historical Lectures, Charges and more. Moreover, because a Brother to whom a portion of the Master’s Work has been delegated is the Worshipful Master at the time of his delivery for purposes of the Ritual, it is a colorable argument that a Brother saluting the West pursuant to the Master’s directive would at that moment be saluting the Master. The Custodians of the Work have therefore concluded that there is no purely Masonic basis upon which to assert that the Master could not delegate this salutation to the Senior Warden. Such delegation must actually take place by declaration from the East, however, and necessarily must be time-limited to a portion of the Communication in which it is made, such as the duration of a talk or presentation. At all other times, the usual procedure must be observed. Attendees may not salute the West of their own accord or as a matter of custom, neither may the Master issue a directive that encompasses entire or multiple Communications of the Lodge. The most practical solution for times when salutations of the East would unduly interrupt or disturb the Lodge’s programming is simply to call the Craft from Labor to Refreshment, so long as the programming does not reveal the secret or esoteric material of Masonry.

The answers provided here reflect GLNY customs, rules, and ritual. We welcome discussion about how these may differ in your jurisdiction.

Response provided by RW Samuel Lloyd Kinsey
Chairman, Custodians of the Work, Grand Lodge of New York

Note: This site is an excellent source of information about Freemasonry. While every effort has been made to provide accurate and up-to-date information about Masonic Ritual, please remember that a website is not a substitute for your jurisdiction’s Standard Work or Approved Ritual.
Samuel Lloyd Kinsey
Masonic Ritual – Advancing Through Masonic Degrees

Masonic Ritual – Advancing Through Masonic Degrees


Advancing Through Masonic Degrees



How much time should a Brother spend on one Masonic Degree before taking the next, and how does he qualify for advancement?

In the Grand Lodge of New York,

The Constitutions specify a minimum interval between Degrees of two weeks, although few Lodges if any advance candidates that quickly. In practice, there is great diversity among New York Lodges: Some Lodges advance candidates after a one-month interval, some are on a seasonal schedule with a few months between Degrees, and in some Lodges the candidates spend a year or more in each Degree.

There is similar diversity among New York Lodges with respect to criteria for advancement, with some Lodges accepting minimal proficiency in the Degree catechisms, some calling for full proficiency, and other Lodges having additional requirements such as writing and delivering an essay, observation of the Degree in another Lodge, completion of a reading course, attendance at a certain number of Communications and/or educational sessions, and so on.

Much of the foregoing comes down to tradition, Masonic focus, makeup and overall vitality of each Lodge.

Response provided by RW Samuel Lloyd Kinsey
Chairman, Custodians of the Work, Grand Lodge of New York

Note: This site is an excellent source of information about Freemasonry. While every effort has been made to provide accurate and up-to-date information about Masonic Ritual, please remember that a website is not a substitute for your jurisdiction’s Standard Work or Approved Ritual.
Samuel Lloyd Kinsey
Masonic Ritual – How to Wear the Apron

Masonic Ritual – How to Wear the Apron


How to Wear the Apron



Should the Apron be worn on the outside or the inside of the jacket?

In the Grand Lodge of New York,

The Masonic Apron should be fully visible and unobscured by clothing. In the Grand Lodge of New York, it is therefore worn outside a fastened jacket in all circumstances, unless worn with a cutaway such as a black formal tailcoat for full evening dress. The strings are tied at the front under the flap. Sartorially, we note that the jacket must be unfastened if the Apron is worn inside, and that a suit jacket, blazer, or odd jacket is meant to be worn fastened when standing (unless worn with a vest). A Brother whose unbuttoned jacket hangs open with the front panels flopping around looks untidy and/or inappropriately casual for our settings. While it’s true that Masons depicted in old paintings and photographs have their Aprons inside their jackets, one may note that they are dressed in open cutaways. Some Lodges and jurisdictions require Aprons to be worn inside the jacket in an attempt to preserve what they regard as the “traditional way of wearing the Apron,” but men haven’t worn cutaways unless in full formal dress for over a hundred years. As sartorial styles and traditions have evolved over the centuries, the manner of wearing the Apron should accommodate that evolution. Otherwise, let’s get out the shoe buckles and knee breeches for our meetings.

The answers provided here reflect GLNY customs, rules, and ritual. We welcome discussion about how these may differ in your jurisdiction.

Response provided by RW Samuel Lloyd Kinsey
Chairman, Custodians of the Work, Grand Lodge of New York

Note: This site is an excellent source of information about Freemasonry. While every effort has been made to provide accurate and up-to-date information about Masonic Ritual, please remember that a website is not a substitute for your jurisdiction’s Standard Work or Approved Ritual.
Samuel Lloyd Kinsey